Running Task Fix Images

Checking page: "Welcome to the IGI website"
Checking page: "Team"
Checking page: "Petroleum Geochemistry Consultancy"
Checking page: "Norway"
Checking page: "East Coast Canada Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Barents Sea Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Gulf of Mexico Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "UK Oils Database"
Checking page: "Training Course Modules"
Checking page: "Course Announcement"
Checking page: "Directions to IGI Devon Office"
Checking page: "Paul Farrimond"
Checking page: "ig.NET demo"
Checking page: "Isotopic Analysis"
Checking page: "p:IGI+"
Checking page: "Iraq Petroleum Systems Report"
Checking page: "Source Rocks & Petroleum Systems of Equatorial Guinea"
Checking page: "Blank page as a template"
Checking page: "Creating Gas Project Properties"
Checking page: "Creating gas project property equations"
Checking page: "Main application screen layout"
Checking page: "p:IGI-3 Data Import Considerations"
Checking page: "Resources for older version of p:IGI+"
Checking page: "Netherlands Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Scatter Plot Autograph References"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ export templates to enable import into p:IGI-3"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ Demo Project"
Checking page: "Using pages"
Checking page: "Inserting / Deleting Samples"
Checking page: "Data Harmonisation"
Checking page: "Dynamic Sample Sets"
Checking page: "Creating a Scatter Plot"
Checking page: "Text property palettes"
Checking page: "Well Depth Data"
Checking page: "Importing Data from Text Files"
Checking page: "Linking Templates"
Checking page: "Import Well Stratigraphy Data from Excel"
Checking page: "Filtering data based upon it's values"
Checking page: "Import Tie Points from Excel"
Checking page: "Changes from the p:IGI-3 model"
Checking page: "Metis Discover User Guide"
Checking page: "Metis 101"
Checking page: "Metis 101: Import"
Checking page: "Field Trip Locations"
Checking page: "Matching and Scoring Properties"
Checking page: "Graph Data Summary"
Checking page: "Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry Course"
Checking page: "Page not found"
Checking page: "Basin & Petroleum Systems modelling"
Checking page: "Ethos"
Checking page: "Canada"
Checking page: "Barents Sea Geochemical Interpretation Report"
Checking page: "Examples of courses"
Checking page: "Single-client Software Training"
Checking page: "Geochemical and 1-D Modelling Report for the Norwegian Barents Sea"
Checking page: "Carbon Stable Isotopes"
Checking page: "Geochemical Review and Hydrocarbon Type Prediction for the Porcupine Trough"
Checking page: "Meta-Data Capture in Import"
Checking page: "Creating Project Properties"
Checking page: "Creating Molecular Project Properties"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ export templates to enable import into p:IGI-3"
Checking page: "Histogram Autograph References"
Checking page: "Key Columns"
Checking page: "Eastern Atlantic Oceanic Crust Project"
Checking page: "Data Sorting"
Checking page: "Static Sample Sets"
Checking page: "Creating a Histogram"
Checking page: "Graph Interpretative Layers "
Checking page: "Numeric/Calculated property palettes"
Checking page: "Well Temperature Data"
Checking page: "Import from Excel files"
Checking page: "Selecting data spatially"
Checking page: "Naming in the IGI property model"
Checking page: "Shared User Guide pages"
Checking page: "Geochemistry Help"
Checking page: "ig.NET Sign-In"
Checking page: "Metis Project Merge"
Checking page: "Metis 101: Project Merge"
Checking page: "Petroleum Geochemistry Course"
Checking page: "Portugal Field Trips"
Checking page: "Server error"
Checking page: "Data Compilation"
Checking page: "ig.NET"
Checking page: "UK & Ireland"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ downloads"
Checking page: "Waxy oils from lacustrine source rocks"
Checking page: "Sulfur Stable Isotopes"
Checking page: "Outreach"
Checking page: "Creating Project Property equations"
Checking page: "Barents Sea 1-D Basin Models"
Checking page: "Triplot Autograph References"
Checking page: "West of Shetland Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Data Validation"
Checking page: "Wells as special Sample Sets"
Checking page: "Creating a Triplot"
Checking page: "Importing Data from p:IGI-3 Projects"
Checking page: "Setting a default project"
Checking page: "Units in the IGI property model"
Checking page: "Known Issues"
Checking page: "Importing Data into Excel"
Checking page: "Metis 101: Staging Merge"
Checking page: "Petroleum Systems and Geochemistry Training Courses"
Checking page: "Hydrocarbon Gas Geochemistry for Exploration Geologists"
Checking page: "Multi-client Software Training"
Checking page: "File Transformation Service"
Checking page: "Consultancy"
Checking page: "Norwegian Sea Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "What is Metis?"
Checking page: "USA"
Checking page: "Software Training"
Checking page: "Hydrogen Stable Isotopes"
Checking page: "New website launched"
Checking page: "The IGI property model"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ release notes"
Checking page: "Privacy Policy"
Checking page: "Depth Plot Autograph References"
Checking page: "West of Britain Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Using Undo/Redo and the Journal"
Checking page: "Creating a Depth Plot"
Checking page: "Well Stratigraphy Data"
Checking page: ""Any" properties in the IGI property model"
Checking page: "Creating multiple sample sets"
Checking page: "Well Artefacts in p:IGI+"
Checking page: "The import linking screen"
Checking page: "Metis 101: Discover"
Checking page: "Metis Staging Upload"
Checking page: "Deleting data"
Checking page: "Environmental Geochemistry Consultancy"
Checking page: "Basin and Petroleum Systems Modelling Course"
Checking page: "Training Courses"
Checking page: "Field trips and Field Courses"
Checking page: "p:IGI-3"
Checking page: "Other Stable Isotopes"
Checking page: "2016 Update Released for IGI’s Barents Sea Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "The Middle East"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ User Guide"
Checking page: "Technical Notes"
Checking page: "Norwegian Sea Geochemical Interpretation Report"
Checking page: "Line Plot Autograph References"
Checking page: "Onshore Britain Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Creating a Parallel Coordinate Plot"
Checking page: "Importing Data"
Checking page: "Data Merge in p:IGI+"
Checking page: "IGI Software User Guides"
Checking page: "Using the property model"
Checking page: "The import summary screen"
Checking page: "Metis Staging Wizard"
Checking page: "Bespoke Courses"
Checking page: "Data and Interpretation Reports"
Checking page: "Isotope Fractionation"
Checking page: "2016 Update Released for IGI’s Norwegian Sea Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Africa"
Checking page: "Project Data Overview"
Checking page: "Maps in p:IGI+ (pre 1.22)"
Checking page: "Metis Transform User Guide"
Checking page: "Sample metadata"
Checking page: "Creating a Line Plot"
Checking page: "Chung Plot Autograph References"
Checking page: "United Kingdom Continental Shelf Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "One to One Mentoring and Training"
Checking page: "Bulk Import of Well Data from Excel"
Checking page: "Software"
Checking page: "Molecular Source/Environment Parameters "
Checking page: "2016 User Group - booking details now available"
Checking page: "Netherlands"
Checking page: "Norwegian Central Graben Geochemical Report"
Checking page: "Exporting Data"
Checking page: "Metis Discover User Guide"
Checking page: "Well metadata"
Checking page: "Creating a Chung Plot"
Checking page: "PCP Autograph References"
Checking page: "Maps in p:IGI+"
Checking page: "News"
Checking page: "IGI User Group"
Checking page: "Molecular Indicators of Organic Matter Sources"
Checking page: "Permian-sourced oil in the Norwegian Barents Sea"
Checking page: "Norwegian North Viking Graben Geochemical Interpretation Report"
Checking page: "Working with Statistics"
Checking page: "Location data"
Checking page: "Exporting Data"
Checking page: "Creating a Star Plot"
Checking page: "About IGI Ltd"
Checking page: "Algal Markers"
Checking page: "A series of short Technical Notes from IGI"
Checking page: "Exploring Pages"
Checking page: "Artefact Templates"
Checking page: "Norwegian South Viking Graben and Danish-Norwegian Basin Interpretation Report"
Checking page: "Lab metadata"
Checking page: "Contact"
Checking page: "Land Plant Markers"
Checking page: "IGI Single Client Courses available now..."
Checking page: "Autograph Reference Lists"
Checking page: "Cleaning/Validating data"
Checking page: "Software Support"
Checking page: "Bacterial Markers"
Checking page: "IGI's collaboration with Glencore Exploration Cameroon Ltd, to be presented at 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition"
Checking page: "Creating Graphs and Autographs"
Checking page: "Analysis groups in the IGI model"
Checking page: "Property Search"
Checking page: "location"
Checking page: "Small group courses at IGI this October"
Checking page: "Editing Graphs"
Checking page: "Bulk changing properties"
Checking page: "pigi-3"
Checking page: "Are coals oil-prone or gas-prone source rocks?"
Checking page: "Brushing Data and Visual Query"
Checking page: "Bulk selecting properties"
Checking page: "contact-us"
Checking page: "IGI are part of a consortium to produce a new Integrated Biostratigraphic & Lithostratigraphic Framework of Offshore Ireland"
Checking page: "Working with Well Artefacts"
Checking page: "Working with Depth Plots"
Checking page: "future-courses"
Checking page: "Technical Note: Expansion of the p:IGI+ SARA property model"
Checking page: "Creating and using Sample Sets"
Checking page: "Creating and Applying Graph Palettes"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version 1.1.3 release"
Checking page: "Logging and Reporting Issues"
Checking page: "Project Analysis Overview"
Checking page: "User Guides"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ User Guide (redirect)"
Checking page: "Known Issues"
Checking page: "Petroleum Geochemistry 5 day course - extra date added"
Checking page: "p:IGI-3 import guide"
Checking page: "IGI presence at the International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 19th to 22nd of September, Tromsø, Norway"
Checking page: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
Checking page: "IGI User Group meeting – 28th & 29th June 2017"
Checking page: "Metis Transform user guide"
Checking page: "Visit IGI at PETEX (15-17 November 2016)"
Checking page: "releases"
Checking page: "Visit IGI at PETEX (15-17 November 2016)"
Checking page: "FTS"
Checking page: "Alternative Source Rocks in the Norwegian sea – Potentially Cretaceous sourced hydrocarbons in the Møre and Vøring Basins"
Checking page: "March 2017 Course dates announcement"
Checking page: "IGI at Petex 2016 (15 - 17 November) - London"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version 1.2.1 release"
Checking page: "Dr. Marianne Nuzzo from IGI to present a poster at the “Application of Analytical Techniques to Petroleum Systems Problems” Conference"
Checking page: "Source-characteristic information preserved in hopane carbon number composition"
Checking page: "IGI User Group Meeting 2017"
Checking page: "A practical introduction to heat and fluid flow modelling - Applications in Petroleum Systems Analysis"
Checking page: "A practical introduction to heat and fluid flow modelling - Applications in Petroleum Systems Analysis"
Checking page: "IGI wins Oil & Gas Authority contract for East Shetland Platform study"
Checking page: "Assessing Basins’ Petroleum Systems rapidly with 1-D Pseudo-well Modelling"
Checking page: "Course dates announced for BPSM & Geochemistry courses in October 2017"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version release"
Checking page: "The Petroleum Geochemist's Inorganic Toolkit: Rhenium and Osmium isotopes"
Checking page: "Software Developer opportunities at IGI (Birmingham)"
Checking page: "The Fluid and Heat Flow Modelling Training School"
Checking page: "TOC estimates from wireline logs - Part #1"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version 1.7.2 release"
Checking page: "TOC estimates from wireline logs - Part #2"
Checking page: "IGI at the AAPG ICE 2017 Conference"
Checking page: "Atlantic Ireland 2017 Conference"
Checking page: "IGI Courses - March 2018 dates now available"
Checking page: "Senior C#/.NET Developer role available at IGI - Birmingham office"
Checking page: "Cross Border Exploration Between UK & Norway Conference"
Checking page: "Geochemical surveys of sub-marine hydrocarbon seeps in petroleum exploration"
Checking page: "Chris Cornford (1948-2017)"
Checking page: "Training Courses at IGI March 2018"
Checking page: "Petroleum Systems in Oceanic-Transitional Crust: an example from the SW Africa Margin"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version release"
Checking page: "UK Geochemical Databases in p:IGI format"
Checking page: "IGI User Group meeting 2018 "
Checking page: "IGI at the 2018 AAPG European Regional Conference in Lisbon"
Checking page: "The new web-based ig.NET application"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version release"
Checking page: "Petroleum Systems Conference in Stavanger (29-30 May 2018)"
Checking page: "East Atlantic Ocean Crust Project"
Checking page: "Petroleum Systems Analysis ‘Science or Art?’"
Checking page: "Distinguishing Evaporative Fractionation and Biodegradation of Petroleum – An example from West of Shetland (UK)"
Checking page: "A Petroleum Geochemical Database for the UK Continental Shelf"
Checking page: "p:IGI+ version 1.13.0 release"
Checking page: "‘Maturity contradictions’: Migration-contamination in crude oil"
Checking page: "IGI will be at the Geological Society's 'Interplay of heatflow, subsidence and continental break-up: a case study workshop'"
Checking page: "Senior C#/.NET Developer vacancy now available at IGI - Birmingham office"
Checking page: "Dr Marianne Nuzzo from IGI to present a poster at the “AAPG ICE" Conference in Cape Town, South Africa on 4 - 7 November 2018"
Checking page: "Training Courses at IGI (UK) in May 2019"
Checking page: "New IGI Geochemical Interpretation Report available"
Checking page: "A review of oil geochemistry in the UK North Sea "
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.14.x release"
Checking page: "David Gardiner from IGI to present a poster at the “PETEX 2018" Conference in London on 27 -29 November 2018"
Checking page: "Placement software developer opportunity"
Checking page: "Update your petroleum geochemistry knowledge with IGI"
Checking page: "Paul Farrimond from IGI will be giving a talk at the AAPG Conference in Dubai in February 2019"
Checking page: "Technical Lead and Senior C#/.NET developer opportunities in IGI's Birmingham office"
Checking page: "IGI Regional Norwegian Geochemical Databases and Interpretation Reports"
Checking page: "IGI User Group meeting 2019 – 26th to 27th June "
Checking page: "Sulfur-rich (Type II-S) source rocks and associated hydrocarbons"
Checking page: "IGI staff presenting at the “Chris Cornford Conference”, London 24 – 25th April 2019"
Checking page: "2 day p:IGI+ software training available at IGI"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.17.x release"
Checking page: "“Chris Cornford Conference” at the Geological Society"
Checking page: "Training Courses at IGI (UK) in November 2019"
Checking page: "The use of 28,30-Bisnorhopane as a stratigraphic marker"
Checking page: "British Organic Geochemical Society Conference (BOGS)"
Checking page: "IGI presenting at IMOG 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden (1-6 September)"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.19.x release"
Checking page: "United Kingdom Continental Shelf Geochemical Database"
Checking page: "Maturity signals in oils: Natural & predictable variability between compound classes"
Checking page: "Tiago Cunha will be lecturing and presenting at the PESGB Africa Conference"
Checking page: "Mischa Gehlen will be representing IGI Ltd at the Atlantic Ireland 2019 Conference"
Checking page: "The importance of igneous intrusions and basement composition on the timing of petroleum generation"
Checking page: "'Dig Deep in Kenya'."
Checking page: "Graduate Software Developer position available at IGI Ltd"
Checking page: "IGI at Prospex, London 11-12 December 2019"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.21.x release"
Checking page: "We are looking for a Senior .NET Backend Developer to join our team at IGI"
Checking page: "Tiago Cunha presenting at AAPG Rift Basin Evolution and Exploration conference"
Checking page: "Combining petroleum systems modelling approaches to de-risk frontier rift basins: an application to the Namibe Basin, off southern Angola"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter - New for 2020"
Checking page: "IGI Training Courses"
Checking page: "Tree planting at IGI Ltd"
Checking page: "IGI Training Courses - April 2020 - Cancelled"
Checking page: "IGI onboard the M-162 scientific expedition in the NE Atlantic"
Checking page: "New dates – IGI Online User Group, 13-17 July 2020"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.22.x release"
Checking page: "Rearranged hopanes in petroleum geochemistry"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q2 2020"
Checking page: "Geochemistry of oils in the Wessex Basin, UK"
Checking page: "Geochemistry & basin modelling studies for the Norwegian APA 2020 Round"
Checking page: "Environmental Geochemical Consultancy Services"
Checking page: "Detection of micro-seepage of deep-sourced fluids by modelling geochemical and heat flow signals"
Checking page: "One to One Mentoring and Training with IGI"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q3 2020"
Checking page: "Modelling for comfort or comfort from modelling?"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis version 1.27.x release"
Checking page: "Congratulations to all 65 companies who successfully secured acreage in the UKCS 32nd Offshore Licensing Round."
Checking page: "IGI’s Andrew Green presents on the Bristol Channel Basin to the Barnstaple University of the Third Age Geology Group. "
Checking page: "Further reading on Principal Components Analysis in p:IGI+"
Checking page: "Unmixing mixtures - a mathematical perspective on using peak concentrations versus ratios"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q4 2020"
Checking page: "We are pleased to share our involvement with Merlin Energy Resources Limited"
Checking page: "25th Licensing Round Announcement"
Checking page: "Online p:IGI+ Software training 1st - 5th February 2021"
Checking page: "Launch of IGI's new online training courses"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis version 1.28.x release"
Checking page: "Forensic use of diagnostic biomarker ratios in environmental oil spill geochemistry"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q1 2021"
Checking page: "Early Access to IGI’s NPD Norwegian North Sea database"
Checking page: "2021 IGI Online User Group meeting"
Checking page: "Tiago Cunha will be representing IGI Ltd at the 4th AAPG Geothermal Cross-Over Workshop"
Checking page: "Biomarkers in kerogen by Paul Farrimond"
Checking page: "Official release of IGI’s NPD Norwegian North Sea database"
Checking page: "Now available to read:"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q2 2021"
Checking page: "Discover our new online training courses"
Checking page: "We would like to share the news"
Checking page: "How the “Rayleigh fractionation effect” is used to model the source and maturity of hydrocarbon gases: principles and potential problems"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q3 2021"
Checking page: "IGI at IMOG"
Checking page: "David Gardiner and Tiago Cunha from IGI will be chairing sessions at the..."
Checking page: "A new article by IGI is now available in Issue 4 of GeoExpro"
Checking page: "IGI at PESGB Africa"
Checking page: "Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry Training"
Checking page: "Andrew Green at the EAGE Annual Conference 18 - 21 October 2021"
Checking page: "Patterns in the mind – Part 1"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q4 2021"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis version 2.0 release notes"
Checking page: "IGI releases version 2.0 of p:IGI+ and Metis"
Checking page: "Slow advection of deep-sourced methane-enriched fluids shown to be quantitatively significant over time along oceanic strike-slip faults"
Checking page: "“We are pleased to announce, in partnership with IGI and the NPD, a new data update has been published."
Checking page: "The extinction of machine learning?"
Checking page: "Patterns in the mind - Part 2"
Checking page: "Paul Farrimond keynote lecture on biodegradation at the FORCE webinar: Underexplored Plays"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q1 2022"
Checking page: "Andrew Green will be presenting IGI’s and partners work on CCUS storage potential..."
Checking page: "Update of the geochemical database for the Norwegian North Sea"
Checking page: "Book your place at our annual IGI Software User Group 2022 meeting"
Checking page: "Now available to view, Paul Farrimond's keynote lecture 'Underexplored Plays'"
Checking page: "Upper Jurassic source rock overview: UK and Norway North Sea"
Checking page: "IGI at the 'Applicability of Hydrocarbon Subsurface Workflows to CCS' conference 28-29 April"
Checking page: "NEW - Field trips in Portugal"
Checking page: "Uncertainty and Variability in Geology"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q2 2022"
Checking page: "IGI at the EAGE Annual Meeting"
Checking page: "IGI at the British Organic Geochemistry (BOGS) conference"
Checking page: "What are age-diagnostic biomarkers? By Paul Farrimond"
Checking page: "Official release of IGI’s Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea databases"
Checking page: "p:IGI+/Metis version 2.1 release notes"
Checking page: "IGI releases version 2.1 of p:IGI+ and Metis"
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q3 2022"
Checking page: "IGI’s new Global Data Service"
Checking page: "Methylhopanes: Biomarkers for Oil Source Correlation"
Checking page: "Easy access to geochemical data for the 33rd UK Offshore Licensing Round"
Checking page: "Salt Tectonics in the Lusitanian and Algarve basins"
Checking page: "IGI presenting at the TGS Symposium on the MSGBC Basin"
Checking page: "IGI and Net-Zero R&D"
Checking page: "Tiago Cunha and David Gardiner presented a workshop on Basin and Petroleum Systems Modelling (BPSM) "
Checking page: "IGI Newsletter Q1 2023"
Checking page: "Good software is not enough "
Checking page: "IGI User Group 2023"
Checking page: "Lack of biodegradation in some cool shallow oilfields: Palaeopasteurisation"