IGI User Group
IGI Online User Group Meeting 2023
20 - 22 June
We will be back to hosting our annual IGI User Group meeting in person in the Devon countryside at Hallsannery House. This is an opportunity to meet with the IGI team and discuss how we can best support your use of our software.
The meeting will consist of a mixture of demonstrations of using IGI software, introduction to new features and training on these, interactive workshops, and the chance for more informal discussions with IGI software developers and geochemists. Stay at Hallsannery, enjoying on-site luxury accommodation, and talk with colleagues from IGI and other companies.
p:IGI+, Metis and ig.NET
The User Group will give you an opportunity to learn more about the latest features in our software. We will provide training workshops focussing on the latest developments in p:IGI+ in maps, graphs, data quality and workflow support. A focus this year will be on trying to understand how we can simplify workflows, and where we can make p:IGI+ more accessible and user friendly. For partners in the machine learning project there will be an additional day of activity on the 21st-22nd June.
As in previous years, we will be using the User Group to review progress and discuss / prioritise developments for the coming year and we look forward to hearing your views.
For those who cannot attend in person we will be running a shorter online session on the 29th June 2023 to inform people of key changes in the software and the outcomes of the user group, including a chance to add your perspective on future priorities, please contact Helen Davis, with your name, email address and location to book a place on an online session.
Main topics for 2023:
- Demo of new p:IGI+ and Metis features
- Updates to our IGI property model
- Hands on exercises and training using the new features in p:IGI+ and Metis
- Customising p:IGI+ to better support your company workflows
- Review and discuss prioritisation of future developments
Machine learning
On the afternoon of the 21st and morning of the 22nd we will run focussed sessions for those in the machine learning partnership, training you on the application of tools in example problems and giving guidance on the appropriate use of the different tools available.
We will also be discussing the plans for the machine learning project. It will provide an opportunity to meet and discuss with other partners too.
To book your place, please complete the booking form below, and return it to helendavis@igiltd.com
Click to download IGI User Group Booking Form
Click to download IGI User Group Meeting 2023

Influence the prioritisation of future IGI software developments

Explore the new p:IGI+ features and learn how to use them effectively

Network (more literally than usually) with fellow geochemists and IGI software developers and users, on your PC