What is Metis?

Metis is IGI's sample data management software. It provides a series of tools to create, maintain and access a quality-controlled sample database.

Metis is for organisations that want to improve the quality of sample data and make it more accessible to a wider audience.

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IGI releases version 2.1 of p:IGI+ and Metis

IGI is pleased to announce that version 2.1 of both p:IGI+ and Metis are available. There’s a lot new in version 2.1.


p:IGI+/Metis version 2.1 release notes

Version 2.1+ of our software is a significant upgrade for both p:IGI+ and Metis. If you did not upgrade to 2.0.4 then it is essential you upgrade to 2.1.4 as that involves significant changes to the underlying data storage, offering the opportunity to further improve things moving forward.


IGI releases version 2.0 of p:IGI+ and Metis

IGI is pleased to announce that November  sees the release of version 2 of its flagship p:IGI+ geochemistry interpretation software. Version 2 builds on earlier releases to provide an intuitive, customised, and powerful tool for visualising and interpreting your geochemistry data. When combined with our Metis data management solution the software provides an end-to-end solution to the management and use of geochemistry data across a range of applications.


p:IGI+/Metis version 2.0 release notes

Version 2.0 of our software is a significant upgrade for both p:IGI+ and Metis. It is a strongly recommended upgrade, that involves significant changes to the underlying data storage, offering the opportunity to further improve things moving forward.


p:IGI+/Metis version 1.28.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis. This version includes new features and performance enhancements which we recommend as an update to all our software users. This version will be used in our online training, in Feb 2021.