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About - IGI

About IGI Ltd

IGI Ltd is a petroleum geochemical consultancy based in the UK, and operating worldwide. IGI's principal business is to:

  • provide an integrated geochemical interpretation service together with basin modelling,
  • compile and quality control geochemical databases
  • develop software for petroleum geochemical applications and
  • to provide training (online and in-person) courses to the oil and gas exploration industry.

Although single client proprietary studies form the backbone of the company's activities, IGI has contributed to a number of highly successful multi-client reports in co-operation with other specialist consultancies.

IGI advises on, and interprets, geochemical data, but does not provide analytical services - although we work with several service companies who provide geochemical analyses. We routinely compile and quality assure geochemical databases for individual clients, and provide multi-client databases of publicly available geochemical data.

IGI has developed and marketed a unique geochemical and interpretation software package (p:IGI), and an extensive browsable petroleum geochemistry manual (ig.NET), and a unique geochemical data management solution (Metis).