Debug (line 260 of RequestHandler.php): Testing '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' with '' on DenshamTechnology\SilverStripe\IGI\Website\PageTypes\DataProductPageController

Debug (line 267 of RequestHandler.php): Rule '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' matched to action 'handleAction' on DenshamTechnology\SilverStripe\IGI\Website\PageTypes\DataProductPageController. Latest request params: array ( 'Action' => NULL, 'ID' => NULL, 'OtherID' => NULL, )

Debug (line 184 of RequestHandler.php): Action not set; using default action method name 'index'

Equatorial Guinea - IGI

Source Rocks & Petroleum Systems of Equatorial Guinea

This report, in four volumes, documents a study undertaken by RPS Energy Ltd and IGI Ltd under the auspices of the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy, Government of Equatorial Guinea.  The study area includes the international waters and exclusive economic zone bordering with Nigeria, Cameroon, São Tomé and Príncipe  and Gabon.  The objective of the study was to use “state-of-the-art” geochemical and basin modelling techniques to better understand the petroleum systems that have operated (or are operating) in the territory of offshore Equatorial Guinea.

Volume 1: Provides an introduction to the study, describing the databases used and the geological framework for the petroleum geology of the eastern Gulf of Guinea.

Volume 2: Documents the analysis and interpretation of source rock and oil geochemistry data. These data include new results from 18 source rocks and 19 oil samples analysed specifically for this study. Geochemical analyses included hydrocarbon molecular and isotopic properties, resulting in a grouping of oils according to the characteristics of their source rocks, their thermal history, expulsion, migration and subsequent entrapment.

Volume 3: Focuses on thermal history reconstruction, basin modelling and identification of the deepwater kitchen areas offshore Equatorial Guinea.  Key aspects of this study are 1D modelling of relevant exploration wells and pseudowells with a focus on calibration, 2D modelling of regional seismic sections with a focus on fluid flow, and 2.5D (map-based) source rock maturity modelling based on seismic stratigraphic grids to map the present and past source rock kitchens of the deep basins.  The main output is in the form of burial history plots, profiles and maturity maps and sections illustrating the history of oil and gas generation and migration in the project area.

Volume 4: Documents an integrated multi-disciplinary approach to petroleum systems analysis incorporating all new organic geochemistry and basin modelling information for Equatorial Guinea. Workings of these petroleum systems are described in terms of development and distribution of source rocks, hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration and entrapment.  Volumetric calculations are also included for a broad comparison between modeled petroleum resources versus actual in place reserves in an attempt to highlight upside potential of the offshore basins of Equatorial Guinea.

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