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Iraq Petroleum Systems Report - IGI

Iraq Petroleum Systems Report

The Iraq Petroleum Systems analysis and toolkit is a collaborative product developed by Lynx Information Systems, David Boote Consulting and IGI Ltd.  It is presented in seven sections with supporting databases, which describe the key factors governing the distribution of hydrocarbons in the area.

1. Introduction

2. Regional Tectonic Architecture

3. Regional Stratigraphic Architecture

4. Regional Hydrocarbon Distribution of Oil and Gas

5. Regional Hydrocarbon Environment

6. Regional Petroleum Systems Analysis

7. Common Risk Segment Mapping

This information can be linked and combined together interactively, allowing the interpreter to evaluate a broad spectrum of petroleum systems by integrating source facies distribution, generative areas, migration conduits, reservoirs, seals and expulsion/charge timing.  The dynamic aspect of each petroleum system is mapped and manipulated via an ArcGIS toolkit which links to 1-D and 3-D basin models (Genesis and Trinity T3), underpinned by a geochemical database in IGI’s p:IGI format.

The petroleum systems evaluated include:

  • Palaeozoic reservoired-Silurian sourced systems summarized in a general Palaeozoic “exploration potential” map
  • Kurra Chine (Triassic-Lower Cretaceous) petroleum system (shoal water carbonate reservoirs and Lower Cretaceous source)
  • Najmah & Muhaiwir (Upper Jurassic) speculative petroleum system (shoal water carbonate reservoir and Jurassic source)
  • Yamama (Lower Cretaceous) petroleum system (carbonate/oolitic reservoir and Lower Cretaceous source)
  • Zubair (Lower Cretaceous) petroleum system (clastic reservoir and Lower Cretaceous source plus some vertical leakage from Jurassic source)
  • Burgan/Nahr Umr (Middle Cretaceous) petroleum system (clastic reservoir and Lower Cretaceous source)
  • Mishrif (Middle Cretaceous) petroleum system (clastic reservoir and Lower Cretaceous source)
  • Shiranish (& associated Upper Cretaceous horizons) petroleum system (fractured marl and argillaceous limestone reservoirs with deeper Cretaceous source?)
  • “Asmari” & Equivalents petroleum system (Oligocene Kirkuk/Main and Lower Miocene Euphrates & Jeribe carbonate and Ahwaz/Ghar clastic reservoirs with at least two Lower Cretaceous sources)

Other hydrocarbon-bearing intervals including the Butmah (Triassic-Lower Jurassic?), Ratawi and Shuaiba (Lower Cretaceous), Mauddud and Rumaila (Middle Cretaceous), Kometan and equivalents (early Upper Cretaceous) and Eocene limestones were less prolific and not examined in detail.

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