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Barents Sea 1-D Basin Models - IGI

Barents Sea 1-D Basin Models

This collection of 65 ready-to-use 1-D basin models from across the Barents Sea has been constructed using IGI’s extensive regional knowledge of the area and by utilising information from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).  The models are provided fully-thermally calibrated and ready to use to quickly investigate variations in geothermal gradient, heat flow, uplift/erosion and source maturity.  

 The models are designed to save Petroleum Systems Analysts the time-consuming task of extracting lithological, stratigraphic and thermal-calibration data.  The models have been thermally-calibrated using a transient, full lithosphere model, which together with a consideration of multiple episodes of continental rifting and uplift/erosion, allow a best-fit model to be provided which includes an estimation of palaeo-heat flow.  However, the models are dynamic and can be updated by the user to include any additional proprietary data (e.g. stratigraphic tops).

 Wells have been selected for modelling based on the availability of vitrinite reflectance, temperature (Horner Corrected, wherever possible), stratigraphic and lithological data.  The majority of models are concentrated in the Hammerfest Basin, but models in more distant areas (e.g. Wisting) may be of particular interest for understanding the petroleum system in these areas of intense exploration interest.

 The models are provided in Genesis format and so can be used either as stand-alone models, or else imported directly into the industry-standard 3-D basin modelling software, Trinity, in order to rapidly and reliably thermally-calibrate the 3-D model.

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