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p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.21.x release - IGI

p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.21.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis Transform. This version includes a number of new features and performance enhancements, and is an advised update for all users. 

This version includes the following changes with respect to 1.19.0:

New features (p:IGI+ and Transform)
  • We have added the Project Analysis Overview (PAO). Like the Project Data Overview (Pixelmap) this shows where you have data in your project, but on a per analysis basis, supporting our enhanced property model.
    • By default the “project” view shows in which analyses (and for molecular and gas data, in which indicator) you have data in your project in any of the samples.
    • The “well” view shows you which analyses (and indicators) have data in your project, with a row per well.
    • The “sample” view shows which samples have data in which analyses (and indicators).
    • You can apply sample sets to filter what is shown
  • Export from p:IGI+ and Metis transform has been enhanced. The user interaction is simpler and more intuitive, and a number of issues have been fixed (export to locked files, behaviour if the file location becomes invalid during export, e.g. USB unplugged, network dropped).
    • Users can select whether to export Any properties as is, or expanded, when exporting data from a (set of) page(s).
    • Linking templates are only generated if expanding the Any properties (this is the default option, which allows re-import into p:IGI+ / Transform).
    • When saving with a linking template the export is now written to a zip file containing the exported data in a text file and the linking template in a json file. This zip file can be dropped onto p:IGI+ / Transform and will be auto-imported, as exports from Metis Discover are.
  • Dynamic sample sets can be exported and re-imported as templates, so you can share dynamic sample sets.
  • Artefacts can be cloned in the artefact manager to make copies, which can then be edited separately.
  • You can bulk import well data from Excel, with control over whether to update or retain existing data, and create new wells, or only process existing wells.
p:IGI+ specific features
  • Star plots have been added as a graph type. The user can define the properties to be used on creation and modify this using graph manager.
    • Adding and editing of properties is possible.
    • Bulk change of analyses, indicators and units is available on right click.
    • Layout options enable the user to configure the plot.
    • Palettes and sample sets can be applied to filter and decorate the data.
    • There is a full integration with graph manager to brush, edit the axes and control what is shown, and set the size of the inner radius.
    • New autographs have been added.
  • The default symbol, size and colour used on plots can be set in the graph settings dialogue.
  • All graphs now have the ability to show a data summary, which gives information on the number of samples shown (and hidden by palettes) on the graph, the number of samples out of range, the sample set(s) applied and the project information.
    • The user can customise the data shown using the graph settings dialogue, both in terms of what is shown and what font is used to show it.
    • The graph summary can be copied independently of the graph as its own entity.
  • Graph manager has been enhanced to provide a number of visual refinements.
    • It is now possible to edit the names of axes on Triplots using the Axes tab on graph manager.
  • Graphs can be copied using Ctrl-C.
  • Legend groups can be copied individually, or as a whole.
  • The presentation of axis labels on graphs has been improved so these are no longer clipped.
  • Deselecting an overlay layer in graph manager also hides the associated legend.
  • Hidden stacks on a histogram are no longer shown as transparent bars, making these consistent with other graph types.
Metis Transform specific features
  • Staging merge:
    • The properties used for matching and scoring data on Staging have been extended as described at
    • Calculated values are now automatically preferred over given values when merging.
    • Properties are now always displayed in a natural and consistent order.
    • A dialog now appears when no data in the project can be uploaded to Staging. This includes when samples have insufficient properties to be merged with Staging.
    • Wells or samples with no matching properties are excluded from the Staging merge wizard and cannot be uploaded to Staging.
    • Properties used as part of the matching and scoring process are now highlighted in bold.
    • Staging merge can now upload well only data or sample only data, previously both well and sample data were required to complete the process.
    • We have improved the performance of merging data with Staging database.
    • Added a context menu on right click for samples that allows multiple samples to be changed to “New”, “Don’t Merge”, “Merge”, “Select project values” and “Select staging values”.
    • When a conflict is present between Project and Staging values icons are now displayed alongside their respective values to highlight the source of the data.
  • Project merge:
    • Improved the performance when merging data.
Metis Discover specific features
  • The clustering of well and non-well locations can now be configured directly from the map. The cluster size is saved between sessions.
  • The map now uses a larger proportion of the screen when Discover is loaded.
  • Added the ability to easily clear text strings when searching for analyses or properties.
  • Reduced the amount of data Discover needs to load, improving responsiveness.
  • The software version number and domain model number is now shown in the settings dialog.
  • A count of well and non-well locations is now shown for the polygon expression rather than a full list of names.
  • Up to 1,000 samples at a time can be deleted from Staging via Discover.
  • Pre-defined country polygons can be created from the Map tool-bar.
  • We have fixed p:IGI+ and Transform slowness when using multiple static sample sets.
  • Issues with removed Any properties have been addressed, meaning that removed Any properties can still be shown where they were previously used, but will not be selectable in the system.
  • Fixed an issue where metadata in the Bulk analysis group could not be queried correctly via Discover.
  • Fixed an issue storing and retrieving with very large numerical values.
  • Fixed an issue in Transform where samples could not be merged across multiple indicators in specific scenarios.
  • We have removed unnecessary changes of units made by project merge and thus improved the efficiency of the project merge in Transform. The provenance captured now accurately represents the history of values in non-default units and ratios.
Property model changes
  • A range of new properties (~100 new properties) has been added to support data management work and interpretation.
  • We have moved some PVT properties into the Bulk-PVT analysis (reservoir and saturation pressure, reservoir temperature).
  • We have modified some equations which were previously not correctly defined and ensued these will be correctly recalculated. Affect properties are: Mango K2, 29MAS, 28MAS, 27MAS, St/MAS+TAS, MAS/St+TAS, TAS/St+MAS.
  • Edits have been made to remove unneeded properties, and rename existing properties to provide a more consistent nomenclature.
  • We have added Andrew Murrays SVA (semi-volatile inorganics) index – see
Known issues
  • The properties H31DS and H31DR have been incorrectly assigned to the WO and Sat GC analysis groups. In the next release they, and associated data, will be moved to the WO and Sat GCMS analysis groups. 
  • When moving samples between wells in pages, and by deleting wells, the sample well information for samples which change well assignment is not updated. Closing and opening the page addresses this.
  • Scrolling in a page after project merging in Transform with sort and a sample set applied can cause the page to fail. Re-apply the sort to address this.


We believe this release of p:IGI+ provides users greater operationally capability than previous versions. Petroleum systems analysis geochemistry studies, liquid & gas interpretation and basic fluid-source workflows are now feasible and have been conducted extensively in-house. It does not yet support all advanced workflow features encompassed in p:IGI-3, but offers many advantages over p:IGI-3, including a more complete property model, greater interactivity, and all that with undo support for all important operations. 






If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available for download from our website.

We’d welcome any feedback you have on p:IGI+, and note that there is a developing online user guide. We intend to develop sections of the user guide as questions arise. There is also a support site which contains some frequently asked questions and can be used to request specific support, along with the email


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