Debug (line 260 of RequestHandler.php): Testing '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' with '' on DenshamTechnology\SilverStripe\IGI\Website\PageTypes\BlogPostController

Debug (line 267 of RequestHandler.php): Rule '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' matched to action 'handleAction' on DenshamTechnology\SilverStripe\IGI\Website\PageTypes\BlogPostController. Latest request params: array ( 'Action' => NULL, 'ID' => NULL, 'OtherID' => NULL, )

Debug (line 184 of RequestHandler.php): Action not set; using default action method name 'index'

p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.22.x release - IGI

p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.22.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis Transform. This version includes a number of new features and performance enhancements, and is an advised update for all users. 

This version includes the following changes with respect to

New features (p:IGI+ and Transform)
  • Added the ability to export all well information from a project, so that it can be shared with other projects. This uses a format for the data that allows the user to export all well information from all wells in a project to a single file. This provide a well manager like facility in p:IGI+ and Metis Transform. 
  • Added the ability to bulk import well information from an IGI well file exported from another project, selecting which wells to import (all in project, or all in file) and whether to update all information (overwrite) or only add new information. 
p:IGI+ specific features
  • Added a completely new map feature. The maps become and artefact and have the following features:
    • A local toolbar associated with each map artefact to allow control over interaction style, and zooming:
      • zoom to data, set zoom extent manually and save and restore zoom.
    • Show all well and non-well (outcrop, seep, etc) site locations on the map. Well sites are as triangles, non-well sites as squares.
    • Brushing to and from the map is supported.
    • Visual query to highlight samples selected.
    • Sample sets can be applied to filter what is shown on the map.
    • Discrete colour palettes can be applied to show either the presence / absence (occupancy) of each class, or a pie chart per site (frequency).
    • Continuous colour and size palettes can be applied to the map to show statistics at each site:
      • the user can select to show a range of statistics.
    • Shapefiles can be applied to the maps, and the file locations will be saved with the map.
    • Shapefiles can be styled as wanted, and attributes shown on hover.
    • The map can be saved as a template to reproduce the same map layout in a different project.
    • The map can be copied with and without legends.
    • Legends can be copied individually if desired.
    • Multiple maps can be made in the project.
    • The default map symbol size can be set in the project.
    • The default map window size can be set.
  • Size palettes: sizes are now set using numeric dropdowns to provide better control.
  • Size palettes: the unassigned and no data classes are set to sizes smaller than the autofill default smallest size to differentiate them by default.
Metis Transform specific features
  • Fixed an issue with merging only well information in the project merge. 
Metis Discover specific features
  • The user can now export and delete a well and its associated samples from Staging via Discover. 
  • The user can now select individual wells or samples to be included in a query via Discover. 
  • The non-well symbol has been changed to a square to be consistent with the new maps in p:IGI+. 
  • Importing dates is more robust from all file types, and dates are stored as text more reliably. 
  • Invalid values in deviation surveys now prevent the user from attempting to calculate values. 
  • Changed the alignment of palette and other legend titles to give a more polished look. 
  • Fixed a problem with palettes for integer valued properties (number of samples used to calculate the VR mean) 
  • Fixed a problem when importing special characters in text import (UTF8 encoding) 
  • Fixed the treatment of special characters in well litho- and chrono-stratigraphy. 
  • Star plots and parallel coordinate plots which had their indicators or units bulk changed would not open and import from template fine. 
Property model changes 
  • The properties H31DS and H31DR had been incorrectly assigned to the WO and Sat GC analysis groups. They, and associated data, have been moved to the WO and Sat GCMS analysis groups. 
  • A small number of new isotope (d34S in asphaltene and pyrite) and Spore Colour properties have been added. 
Known issues 
  • When moving samples between wells in pages, and when deleting wells, the sample well information for samples which change well assignment is not updated. Closing and opening the page addresses this. 
  • Scrolling in a page after project merging in Transform with sort and a sample set applied can cause the page to fail. Re-apply the sort to address this. 
  • When a lot of graphs are open at the same time, or after long use of p:IGI+ sometimes you get no points shown on a graph, and a text error message saying “E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory (****). To solve this save the project, close p:IGI+, restart, and open the project. We are exploring the issue here. 


We believe this release of p:IGI+ provides users greater operationally capability than previous versions. The enhanced map options now exceed what was available in p:IGI-3. Petroleum systems analysis geochemistry studies, liquid & gas interpretation and basic fluid-source workflows and regional studies are now feasible and have been conducted extensively in-house. It does not yet support all workflow features encompassed in p:IGI-3, but offers many advantages over p:IGI-3, including a more complete property model, greater interactivity, and all that with undo support for all important operations.



If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available for download from our website.

We’d welcome any feedback you have on p:IGI+, and note that there is a developing online user guide. We intend to develop sections of the user guide as questions arise. There is also a support site which contains some frequently asked questions and can be used to request specific support, along with the email


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