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p:IGI+/Metis version 1.27.x release - IGI

p:IGI+/Metis version 1.27.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis. This version includes significant new features and performance enhancements which we recommend as an update to all our software users.

This version includes the following changes with respect to

New features (p:IGI+ and Transform) 
  • Performance has been improved across the application and is most noticeable in the project data overview (Pixelmap), export, sorting and more slightly in graphs and other data interactions. Memory usage is lower and more controlled. 
  • Sort can be applied to .Any properties. 
  • The toolbar has been changed to add quick access to the project analysis overview (in place of the project data overview). 
  • Geochemistry help, and property search have been improved to allow an advanced search option enabling user to: 
    • Filter on property type: standard, gas, molecular or well properties 
    • Filter on property character: text, numeric, other, ratio or equation properties 
    • Filter to show only special properties: project properties, .Any properties, or exclude .Any properties 
    • Show only those properties with data in the current project. 
    • This works in combination with the analysis group and text property search, so can be used for example to search only for molecular properties, which have an equation and are project properties and have data in the project. 
    • This can be used in all instances where multiple properties are being search for, e.g. in creating pages, statisticsmulti-property graphs, visual query, etc. 
  • Project properties have been thoroughly overhauled: 
    • The creation of project properties has been simplified. Users can choose from the start to create text, standard, molecular or gas properties. 
    • A special option to create ratio properties simplifies the user interaction and ensures a common and sensible default unit is selected across all indicators (for gas and molecular properties – also adding the * [any] indicator automatically). 
    • Project properties can be added to multiple analysis groups in a single creation step.  
    • Only analysis groups containing compatible input properties are presented once an equation has been added. 
    • Only properties available in all input analysis groups are shown when adding equations to properties in multiple analysis groups. 
    • The creation of project properties occurs inside a progress bar, so the user is aware the system is creating the properties and calculating any equations, stopping the application appearing to freeze. 
    • The user can edit the long and short names of project properties after their creation. 
    • The user can delete project properties from the system – this will check where the project properties are used and alert the user that these artefacts will be deleted if the project property is deleted from the system. 
    • We have improved the handling of project properties in import – if an identically named project property is found in an import linking template this is remapped to the existing project property in the project at import, to ensure we do not duplicate project properties – if the two properties are consistent in terms of indicator, units and ratios. This also works when importing artefact templates. 
    • When creating project properties in import, the full name is prefilled in the property selector, but the user still has to select the full property by using the dropdown – we will review this for the next release. 
  • An about dialogue has been added with information about the version and libraries / open source projects used to support features in p:IGI+ and Transform. 
p:IGI+ specific features 
MultitrackDepthPlotPCA Training
  • The selection of a well is now optional when creating a new depth plot. 
  • Right click graph menus have a consistent ordering with graph manager always the first entry.  
  • The brush colour can be set by the user in the graph settings menu, allowing users to customise the colour used when brushing. 
  • Multi-depth plots have been added allowing up to 12 tracks to be shown. 
    • Autographs have been added for commonly used multi-depth plots. 
    • Palettes can be applied to all tracks on a plot (this applies to all tracks). 
    • Zoom on multi-depth plots only zooms on the depth axis. 
    • Brushing is supported across all tracks. 
    • Default graph window size can be set on multi-depth plots. 
    • Stratigraphy tops can be shown across all tracks. 
    • Each axis on the plot can be individually edited via graph manager. 
    • Properties shown can be edited using the add/remove properties option. 
    • Bulk update can be used to change analysis, indicator or units across all tracks. 
    • Plot can be copied / exported for output to high quality image. 
    • Data summary can be shown. 
  • A single track, multi-property depth plot has been added, allowing uses to show e.g. gas or isotope data for up to 12 properties on the same graph. 
    • Autographs have been added for commonly used plots. 
    • Added support for underlaysoverlays and range underlays. 
    • An editable legend is automatically created using a colour palette to show the source of the different properties. 
    • Only shape and size palettes can be applied to show other aspects of the data. 
    • Zoom is supported as a standard depth plot. 
    • Stratigraphy tops can be shown. 
    • Brushing is supported. 
    • Default graph window size can be set. 
    • The two axes (depth and single shared x-axis) can be edited via graph manager. 
    • Properties shown can be edited using the add/remove properties option with constraints that they must share a common unit group. 
    • Bulk update can be used to change analysis, indicator or units. 
    • Plot can be copied / exported for output to high quality image. 
    • Data summary can be shown. 
  • Visual query enhancements including: 
    • A keyboard short cut to open visual query at any time (Ctrl+Q). 
    • Visual query added to the data menu, and icon replacing the not used ‘new well icon on the toolbar. 
    • Properties set on visual query are remembered and store in the project, and the unused, disabled save to user settings button has been removed. 
    • Use can adjust the indicator, unit and ratio in visual query. 
    • Property names are shown as standard and .Any properties and [*] indicators show source of data. 
    • Use can create static sample set directly from visual query, and clear the selected set from there too. 
  • Palettes have had an extensive update: 
    • Numeric property palettes can be easily edited to provide irregular bins, with the user having control on being able to split and merge existing bins, reset to regular bins, and directly edit defined bin edges to create exactly the palette they want. 
    • Text property palettes can now be updated to include new values 
    • Text property palettes can be created and edited using subsets of the data set defined by sample sets, allowing users to create and edit palettes for specific subsets of their project if needed. 
    • Counts of numbers of samples in each palette category are provided on editing of text palettes. 
    • The show only entries with data option now applies to all palette entries, including unassigned and no data elements, with the user interface changed to make that more clear. 
  • Data points can be labelled on graphs. The user can select to label the data point with any property in the system 
    • Up to 100 points can be labelled; where more are present the user can select, using brushing, to label only a subset of the points, to avoid label clutter. 
    • Precision shown on the label can be set for numerical properties. 
    • Data labels can be hidden / shown without needing to remove the labels. 
    • A legend is added to inform the user of the property used in the labels. 
    • The font size can be set for data point labels; it will use the general font family. 
  • Keyboard shortcuts have been added to graphs to switch between brushing (Ctrl+B) and pan/zoom (Ctrl+P) modes. Ctrl+L is used to clear the brushed set. 
  • Added PCA capability: 
    • PCA training data defined by creation of a page of properties, and a sample set to define the rows (samples)  - this data is used to ‘train’ the PCA model. 
    • Options to either remove samples with missing data, or replace with the mean in training. 
    • Training process allows the user to name the PCA model (these are artefacts and multiple models can be built in a project). 
    • Training the model can either centre the data (correct for the mean) or standardise (correct for the mean and variance). A normalisation option is provided if using raw GC / GCMS data. 
    • Once trained the user can review the scree plot (percent variance explained as a function of components retained) and the component loadings plot (the weight of each input property on each principal component). 
    • The user can select the number of principal components to retain based on the screen and loading plots – these principal components (scores) are then automatically created as project properties. These use equations; missing values mean the scores (projection of the data onto the principal components) will not be computed. 
    • The PCA models can be saved in the project with a full history of their creation. Newly imported data will be projected onto the principal components  
    • The PCA models. and associated project properties for the PC scores can be saved as a template and used in other projects. Missing values in the inputs will result in component scores not being calculated. 
Metis Transform specific features 
  • Project merge and push to Staging are significantly faster due to the removal of provenance capture and processing. 
Metis Discover specific features 
  • The user can now select individual wells or samples to be included in a query via Discover. 
  • If an error occurs users are now better informed and can report this to IGI more easily. 
  • Users can apply a shapefile to the Discover view to create a polygon for selecting samples. 
  • Users can filter the list of analysis groups. 
  • Users can opt to see analyses and properties in alphabetic order. 
  • A memory problem with the maps has been fixed, and maps now use less memory, and release this once closed. 
  • When a sample is deleted it will be actually removed from the database the next time the project is opened. This was not working before, and caused projects to become slower and slower to save as samples were deleted. 
  • Brushed data comes to the front on parallel coordinate plots. 
  • There is no longer any effect on brushing performance when visual query is open. 
  • Visual query columns set to a sensible default width and do not automatically adjust to entry width.  
Property model changes 
  • Alongside general property model maintenance, which includes adding new properties, adding existing properties to new analysis groups, adding equations to existing properties and adding new property aliases the following are key changes to the property model since the last release:
    • Three new analysis groups have been added to the IGI property model:
      • Diam-GCMS: Diamondoid properties which come from a specific quantitative Diamondoid analysis runs operated by labs.
      • FIS-MS: 25 summary parameters (mix of ratios and raw abundances) that are always reported by FIT (Fluid Inclusion Technology) when conducting FIS (Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy) analysis.
      • PCA: where generated principle components from PCA models are stored.
    • Expanded the properties present in our tandem mass spectrometry analysis groups (GCMS-MS & MRM-GCMS) accommodating properties monitored and quantified by GeoMark across a range of molecular groups. Properties in these groups have been created with their common parent-daughter ion range reported in the description but where the monitored ion range differs in GeoMark reports this is recorded in the relevant Geochem help entry
    • Several updates and edits have taken place with respect to our Microscopy and Maturity analysis groups:
      • VR equivalence properties from Bitumen in the MatCalc analysis group have been associated with two published literature equations from Landis & Castano (1995) and Jacob (1989).
      • Relocated the LOM (Level of organic Metamorphism) properties from the K-Colour to the MatCalc analysis group, as LOM is a maturity parameter not founded on a maceral colour but change of coal rank.
      • New text descriptive properties have been added to accompany the top hierarchical level maceral/ palynological properties (Vitrinite, Liptinite, Inertinite, Zooclast) in our VisK-RL and VisK-TL analysis groups.
      • A new TAI property schema has been implemented which recognises the different numerical scales which exist and are reported from different labs. Numerical scale ranges of 1-5, 1-7 and 1-N (where N is a user-specified range stored in the TAI 1-N Scale property) are now present in the property model.
    • All analyses within the system have been re-ordered to provide a more natural (often typical elution order based for GC data) ordering of the properties in the property help, and property search in both p:IGI+ and Metis. 
Known issues 
  • The “Sitka” font family does not work when copying graphs – it displays fine, but the graphs will not copy correctly. We advise users to not use this font family, which has some known issues in Windows. 
  • When moving samples between wells in pages, and when deleting wells, the sample well information for samples which change well assignment is not updated dynamically. Closing and opening the page addresses this. 
  • Scrolling in a page after project merging in Transform with sort and a sample set applied can cause the page to fail. Clear, then re-apply the sort to address this. 
  • When a lot of graphs are open at the same time, or after long use of p:IGI+ sometimes you get no points shown on a graph, and a text error message saying “E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory (****)”. To solve this save the project, close p:IGI+, restart, and open the project. We are still exploring the issue here. 


This release of p:IGI+ provides users with greater operationally capability than previously offered. Petroleum systems analysis, geochemistry studies, liquid & gas interpretation and oil-source correlation workflows are now supported and have been conducted extensively in IGI. This version of p:IGI+ now supports all the core features of p:IGI-3, along with offering many additions, including:

  • a more extensive property model, without column limits
  • fully integrated map and principle components analysis features
  • improved interaction with selected samples and their data on graphs, maps, pages and other artefacts
  • intuitive colour, symbol and size palettes, and an increased range of graph types
  • full undo / redo support across the application

If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available, alongside the online user guide.

To request more specific support, we provide a support site at:\support, which also contains some frequently asked questions, along with our help email

We would welcome any feedback you have on the new p:IGI+ version.


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