p:IGI+ version release
We are delighted to announce that the latest p:IGI+ release, version is available for download. This version builds upon our previous operational releases with a range of new and improved features, bug fixes and system stabilisation steps. We encourage you to evaluate this release version for use within your company and provide feedback to us as you see fit.

p:IGI+ screen shot v1.4.0.3
In version we have added the following features:
- Improved property search mechanism to more easily find the properties you want.
- Import of well manager files, including lithostratigraphy with flexible options is terms of what to import.
- Triplot – overlays now supported, simple zoom added – autographs coming soon.
- Revisions to the property model – complete HT-GC analysis, revised Gas and VR properties (still under consideration for further changes), minor changes to PY-GC.
- Also improvements to other molecular GCXX analysis groups and improved alias support.
- Datums for wells and samples now set at import to ensure depth conversion / plots work out the box.
- Parallel coordinate plots – create, edit and update – these form the basis for line graphs, star / spider plots and Chung type plots.
- Any property indicator – show any indicator (using *) for molecular ratios.
- Improvements to the bulk change enabling easier use in import.
- Tweaks to fix minor issues in import, export, palettes, merge, spreadsheet, harmonise, legends
There are still some things we are actively working on:
- Updating the pages to reflect the changes to the property model.
- Sorting out the order of properties in the various lists of properties and in the Any analysis group.
- Improving the speed of import of very large text, Excel and p:IGI-3 files (improving the speed of the well merge).
- Calculation of statistics within the project.
- Use and display of background data in the project.
We plan to produce another release prior to (or just after) the user group this year, which is the 28-29 June 2017. If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available for download from our website.
We’d welcome any feedback you have on p:IGI+, and note that there is a developing online user guide. We intend to develop sections of the user guide as questions arise. There is also a support site which contains some frequently asked questions and can be used to request specific support, along with the email support@igiltd.com.