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p:IGI+/Metis version 1.28.x release - IGI

p:IGI+/Metis version 1.28.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis. This version includes new features and performance enhancements which we recommend as an update to all our software users. This version will be used in our online training, in Feb 2021.

This version includes the following changes with respect to

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New/Improved features (p:IGI+ and Transform) 
  • Interaction with pages has been reviewed and improved: 
    • Visual representation has been changed to allow the user to see all relevant information: 
    • Out of range highlighting is shown by the cell background colour and is shown for given and derived values. 
    • Whether a value is calculated is shown by a green font colour, and italicised font style. 
    • Selection is shown by a darkening of the selected area, and highlighted in row and column headers. 
    • Sample set application is shown by a strong blue border around the entire sheet. 
    • Pages no longer revert to the initial position on most changes, with the currently selected cell being at the top left of the view. We would welcome feedback on this change. 
    • It is possible to change the decimal display precision of all elements on a page in bulk, on the page edit dialogue 
    • Brushed samples are now highlighted on pages. The highlight shows on the row header, and modifies the colour to show a lower intensity tone of the selected brushing colour. 
    • When a sample is shown in visual query this sample is also shown on the page, with the entire row being indicated with a border the colour of the brush colour. This row is scrolled into view, if not in the current view. 
    • A right click option on pages, when one or more samples are selected, allows the user to manually assign (or de-assign) samples to wells if the linking was not done appropriately on import. 
    • Right click options on column headers in pages has been improved: 
    • Now possible to sort ascending/descending directly from the column header. 
    • Help on that property can be obtained from the column header. 
    • The property can be added to the properties used as key columns. 
    • Edit page and bulk change options added.  
  • Grids on graphs. 
    • Grids are applied to graphs through the Graph Manager layout tab. There are options to apply vertical axis grid lines and horizontal axis grid lines. The availability of these options will depend on the graph type. 
  • New keyboard shortcuts have been added: 
    • F1  open geochemistry help 
    • Ctrl+T – open sort dialogue 
    • Ctrl+R – Remove the sort 
    • Ctrl+G – open Graph manager 
    • Ctrl+Q  open visual Query tool 
    • Ctrl+B – change to Brush mode in graphs and maps 
    • Ctrl+L – to clear the brushed set in graphs and maps 
    • Ctrl+P – to change to Pan-zoom mode in graphs and maps 
  • Tooltips on the main toolbar, and across the application have been updated to include keyboard shortcuts. 
  • Importing linking templates will now skip and exclude unrecognised properties. This will allow the user to apply import linking templates created in a more recent version of the software when using an older version. This will also mean that import linking templates will still work if properties they contain have been removed from the property model. 
  • Validation on auto-import has been improved to inform the user if the linking template cannot be applied – unzipping and using manual linking should allow the users to bring the data in.  
p:IGI+ specific features 
  • Project merge has been completely re-written: 
    • samples can only merge within the same well, and well criteria can no longer be used in the sample merge dialogue. 
    • merge speed and memory usage has been dramatically improved, and will now work within very large projects in a reasonable time. 
    • reporting of merge summary data has been made more consistent. 
    • a static sample is created automatically for any samples with conflicts, and for any samples which have no merge criteria (if a merge is possible). 
  • You can now export the PCA component loadings to the clipboard for pasting into other applications, such as Excel, if desired. 
  • Tooltips have been added to the PCA options to explain their usage. 
Metis Transform specific features 
  • Graphs, palettes, maps and statistics have been added to Transform. It is now possible to visually review your data as you clean it. 
  • Brushing is included to manually select suspicious samples that require investigation in static sample sets. 
Metis Discover specific features 
  • The user can now show all distinct text properties when querying on text strings. 

  • Changes to the equation system allow us to prefer to use one property as in input if it has a value, otherwise to fallback on another property. This has resulted in some changes (improvements) to the property model (see below). 
  • A small, but unnecessary margin on legends, which was present on copying has been removed. 
  • Base folders for Statistics and PCA artefacts have been added to the default new project. 
  • Errors when creating, and deleting samples after a merge, with sort applied in pages have been fixed. 
Property model changes 
  • Equations updated for properties using TOC. Equations used to use TOC.Any, but this could erroneously include extracted TOC’s with unextracted data, or unextracted TOC’s with extracted data in rarely occurring situations. The equations have been revised for HI, OI, OSI across all Pyrolysis groups, and related properties in the Pyrol6 analysis group: Sh-OSI, OIco2 and OIcoThe revisions mean the TOC from that analysis group is used if present, but if missing the unextracted or extracted version of Leco measured TOC is used in the unextracted and extracted analyses respectively. Outside of this the equation will not evaluate. 
  • The lithological description of the sample has been moved from the Geol property group, to the Phys property group. The Geol property group now contains the assigned sample stratigraphy data only. 
  • Metadata properties have been removed from the Geol analysis group as the information stored here is not primarily analytically derived. 
  • A third stratigraphic scheme has been added to capture reported litho and chronostratigraphic assignments 
  • New stratigraphic .Any properties have been created to pull back available stratigraphic labels whether documented or assigned by companies/national organisations. 
  • The Location.Any property will now include the Well name, if the Sample.Location or Well.Location properties are missing. This will allow the creation of palettes or sample sets involving both well and non-well locations.   
  • The gas dryness (C1-C4) equation has been modified to beC1/∑C1-C4) – it used to be defined as C1/∑C2-C4). 
  • The default unit for many of the gas associated equations e.g. C1/N2 and C2/C3 has be changed from % to Euc (non-dimensional). This is more appropriate given the interpretive uses of these equations. 
  • Raw gas properties e.g. H2, C4(i), etc have had their default unit edited from % to ppm. This will assist with data loading and use of data as typically this data is reported in ppm concentration units. This affect properties in all the Gas and MudGas groups. 
  • New Bulk PVT properties have been added for Ideal GOR and Ideal CGR to allow users to store data associated with the geochemical composition of reservoir fluid assuming perfect separation of liquids and gas. 
  • Well type.Well and Origin.Sample have been renamed respectively to Site type.Well and Site type.Sample. This renaming is more consistent with concept of where samples come from e.g. well or non-well sites. 
Known issues 
  • The “Sitka” font family does not work when copying graphs – it displays fine, but the graphs will not copy correctly. We advise users to not use this font family, which has some known issues in Windows. 
  • When a lot of graphs are open at the same time, or after long use of p:IGI+ sometimes you get no points shown on a graph, and a text error message saying “E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory (****)”. To address this save the project, close p:IGI+, restart, and open the project. We are still exploring the issue. 
  • When using pages, we are aware of an issue when using some 4K resolution displays, that results in being unable to edit values in cells. This appears to be a Windows issue and at present the only solution is to reduce the display resolution.  
Installation issues 
  • Requires .NET framework version 4.8 
  • On first opening projects there will be delay, as the new and revised equations are calculated in the project. Once saved this will not repeat. 

This release of p:IGI+ provides users with greater operationally capability than previously offered. Petroleum systems analysis, geochemistry studies, liquid & gas interpretation and oil-source correlation workflows are now supported and have been conducted extensively in IGI. This version of p:IGI+ now supports all the core features of p:IGI-3, along with offering many additions, including:

  • a more extensive property model, without column limits
  • fully integrated map and principle components analysis features
  • improved interaction with selected samples and their data on graphs, maps, pages and other artefacts
  • intuitive colour, symbol and size palettes, and an increased range of graph types
  • full undo / redo support across the application

If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available, alongside the online user guide.

To request more specific support, we provide a support site at: www.igiltd.com\support, which also contains some frequently asked questions, along with our help email support@igiltd.com.

We would welcome any feedback you have on the new p:IGI+ version.


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