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Brushing Data and Visual Query - IGI

Brushing Data and Visual Query


Interaction between the user and data presented on p:IGI+ graphs is through graph manager brushing tools and Visual Query.

Version: p:IGI+ (Apr 2019)

Usage:  Visual Query: via either Brush or Rectangle selection on the Graph manager Exploration tab

How to use in practice

Graph manager Exploration Tab

Graph manager enables the user to control the presentation of, and interact with the data presented on the graph.

Tools to enable the interaction between the user and data presented on a graph are located on graph manager Exploration tab.

  • Pan/Zoom - Use the mouse to pan around the graph data and zoom using the mouse wheel into and out from specific portions of the data.
  • Rectangle Zoom - Use the mouse to draw a rectangle over the data area into which to zoom into the data
  • Brush Selection - An ability to pin point and select individual / swathes of data
  • Rectangle Section - An ability to bulk select all data points present within a drawn rectangular area on the graph.

The exploration tab also provides a basic means to manually control axis ranges, the definition of restore zoom extents and access to Visual Query once data is selected.

Using brush or rectangle selection with multiple graphs open will see linked samples dynamically highlighted on all graphs once selected on the active graph. Selected data from across multiple graphs is cumulatively grouped until the data selection is cleared (Graph manager --> Exploration tab --> Clear Selection).

From the graph manager Exploration tab, once data is brushed (selected), this can be added to a static sample set, using the Add to static sample set ... option.

Visual Browser

Visual Query

A useful function in p:IGI+ when interrogating data on a graph is the Visual Query tool. It allows the user to dynamically investigate any of the data points plotted on a graph. Access to the Visual Query tool is via either the Brush or Rectangle selection options on the Graph manager Exploration tab.

To start the Visual Query tool select either the Brush or Rectangle selection options on the graph manager Exploration tab and from here either:

  • Open visual query directly to allow for configuration prior to selection.
  • Select a group of desired samples and once ready choose to start visual query - this option is slightly more performant; brushing with visual query open is not as smooth.

Notice that immediately on opening visual query after selecting samples, the first point of the selected data is highlighted by a surrounding red box (this is true for all open graphs on which the sample appears). The data values of the currently highlighted sample are displayed. You can cycle through the selected samples using the arrows provided.

The Visual Query tool will always display the properties which comprise the graph first shaded grey (T-max and HI in the instance of the above image). Then the values associated with a pre-defined default set of 4 properties will be shown:

  • Well Name.Well
  • Type.Sample
  • Base MD.Sample
  • Lith.Geol

The user can add any other property in the IGI property model by editing the properties displayed (Edit displayed properties).

If a property from the .Any analysis group is selected, the value will also show the source analysis for the numeric value.


At present visual query does not retain the customised property listing when closed.

Video tutorials

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