Data Merge in p:IGI+
Sample data can be Merged together following the import of all involved data to p:IGI+.
Version: p:IGI+ 1.7.2 and (Aug 2017, Jan 2018)
Usage: Data --> Merge samples...
How to use in practice
Data Merge
In order to merge project data together where appropriate start by selecting Data --> Merge Samples....
Within the Merge window you can select up to 5 Merge Criteria. A Merge criterion should ideally have a good coverage across the project database but either singularly or when combined should present a unique string on which a merge can be successful. Select the properties using the standard Property Selector implemented across the system.
Once selected Run a Calculate pre-merge summary to assess the success of the choosen Merge Criteria. Listed is an explanation as to the returned categorises listed in the pre-merge summary:
- Rows that don’t require merging - samples which do not share common data against the specific merge criteria.
- Rows without conflicts (will merge) - 2 or more samples which share identical data against the specific merge criteria, and data where duplicated across both/all samples properties is also identical. Where data is present for one sample but not the other samples will be merged together.
- Rows with Conflicts (cannot merge) - 2 or more samples which share identical data against the specific merge criteria, but where data is duplicated across both/all samples properties the present string values are different.
The act of merging can be conducted sequentially, temporarily discarding problematic samples for further investigation, and proceeding with the merge. Check the box Create a static sample set for all merge conflicts. This allows the merge to proceed for samples which have no conflicts and ring-fences potentially problematic samples for further investigation. Hit Merge to complete the merge.
A merge cannot be conducted on an .Any property.
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