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Inserting / Deleting Samples - IGI

Inserting / Deleting Samples


Additional samples can be added to a project in pages. Manual selection and deletion of samples (and values) is also possible.

Version: 1.7.2+ (Aug 2017)

Usage:  Right click on page --> Create Samples, 

Right click on page --> Delete selected samples

How to use in practice

Create Samples

insert sample

Right click on any open page and select Create Samples, select the number of samples to create and hit OK. Created samples are appended to the bottom of the page (because they are added to the end of the set of existing database samples).

Delete Samples

The deletion of samples from a project is achieved through a similar workflow. Highlight the samples destined for deletion utilising the sample row/database ID column on the very left of any page window (Shift+select will block select samples while Ctrl+select will enable multi-select). Right click on the page and select Delete selected samples

If you hit the keyboard Delete (Del) key, data from the highlighted rows will be have their values cleared but the sample will persist in the database and data will remain for the sample except in those properties shown on the page.

The action of sample creation, deletion and value deletion can all be undone using Ctrl+z / Undo.

Video tutorials

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