Execution time: 0.2208 seconds, Peak memory usage: 8 MB

File Transformation Service - IGI

File Transformation Service

The File Transformation Service (FTS) is a tool to support users in importing and using data from 'awkward' file formats. Examples include:

  • Chromatography Excel files from labs. Designed to be easily viewed, these files are extremely challenging to obtain data from, for example to compare multiple oils. The FTS processes the files, extracting metadata and data into a simple tabular format in Excel.
  • DISKOS (NPD 95) files, widely used in Norway to transmit geochemistry data. While the block structure of DISKOS files is flexible, it makes it very difficult to use in e.g. Excel. The tool will merge together the blocks to produce consistent, consolidated sample rows on the primary sheet as well as separate sheets for each data block.
  • LAS files are great if you have a LAS reader/viewer but are not ideally suited to use in tabular data readers. This tool will extract metadata and data, producing consistent tabular data. Optionally the user can resample the data to a coarser resolution, e.g. to be more comparable to the depth support of cuttings.
  • In development: Geomark export Excel files can be challenging to import in p:IGI+ due to the presence of duplicate names across different analyses. We solve this and provide a linking template to ensure easy import.

The web-based tool uses a very simple and secure drag and drop (or file upload) route. The data is processed securely without ever being stored, and the transformed result returned to the user as an Excel file. This data can then be imported into IGI's p:IGI+ or Metis packages, or used in other applications like Excel or Spotfire.


The secure web service is available 24/7, hosted on Microsoft Azure. In time we intend to add new services if there is sufficient demand. 

To explore the service please contact us at dataservice@igiltd.com and we can organise a free week long trial.

If you find a file you have cannot be processed by the site, please contact us. A benefit of the service nature of the deployment is we can quickly update the service.